Saturday, 30 January 2016

I Believe In Medicine But I Also Believe In Health & Fitness

I realize that is a long tittle but that is what I am going to talk about today. Before I get started I would like to say I am sorry for not posting last week. I don't know why but I just did not feel like blogging and that is okay. On Thursday night I went to a yoga class, the first time I went to a yoga class in a while. I have done at home yoga thanks to Yoga With Adriene but I haven't gone to an actual class with people in the same room as me and an instructor that could tell me what to do. As I was leaving the yoga class (that was amazing, I will be going to it biweekly since there is also an awesome step class at the same time on Thursdays) I thought came into my head. The thought was about my passion for medicine but also my love for health, nutrition, and fitness.

I have known I have wanted to go into the field of medicine since I was a little girl, something about medicine is truly so magical to me. As I got older I developed new passions and dreams, some being health, nutrition, and fitness. While I still plan on pursing medicine and going to medical school to become a neurosurgeon I still value the kind of food I put into my body and the exercise that I give it. I feel as though in the world that we live makes it seem like it is impossible to care about all those things at once.

We make it seem like you are either against medicine and are all for preventable care or are against medicine and you are against preventable medicine. I believe that it does not have to be that way nor should we look at it as a black and white situation. We should look at it as a multicolour situation were you are able to believe in and practice both kinds of care. I believe the food we put in our bodies may determine weather or not you get a disease. But I also believe that we need medicine because I believe not all illnesses and diseases are preventable nor that they can be cared for by just food.

If you get a cold I believe that you can cure it without a trip to the pharmacy or the doctors office. I believe you can increase of fruits high in vitamin C and you should be fine and if that doesn't work and you are still sick after doing that then maybe then you should take a trip down to your GP. But I also believe that if you have heart problems you should definitely go see your GP and go from there and follow medical advise while lowing your intake of processed food and unnatural fats. I also don't believe eating a certain way means you won't get cancer, but not eating processed foods may decrease your chance of getting cancer.

All in all you could say I believe in medicine but also in the power of moving your body and a good diet. I do believe you need to treat your body with respect and not put junk into it because usually it will end up bad. Being skinny does NOT equal health, so many people believe that. Some of the skinniest people I know are also the least active people and the people that eat the worse. I am not putting skinny people down I just think it is important to realize that a number or how skinny you are does not define how healthy you are. Eating whole foods and moving your body in some way everyday is what makes someone healthy. I believe getting flu shots are not going to hurt and you should get them out of the respect of others around you, especially if you are around people without a spline or that are older.

I am not trying to say my way is better than your way, I am trying to say it is possible to value your overall health yet still be passionate about medicine and the other way around. I believe eating healthy and being active leads to a better you. I believe everything can be enjoyed in moderation and that yoga is good for the soul but so is weight lifting. I aspire to be a healthy, fit, productive neurosurgeon. I aspire to change the life of others through medicine but also encourage my patients to led a healthy lifestyle. After all we only have one body, one place to live we mind as as well treat it right and with respect.

Stay Beautiful, Stay You

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