Saturday, 19 March 2016

How Todo Something When You Don't Want to

   We have all been there, had something to do but didn't want to and if you are like me you may push that event until the next day if it is possible but I really work on getting everything done off of my todo list even when I don't want to. There are definitely things that help me get stuff done and today I will be sharing my top 3 tips in point note form. I hope this helps.

  1. If you have a big task break it up into smaller task, need to study for an hour? Break it down into intervals that you can manage.
  2.  Don't over schedule, if you know you won't be able to get everything done in one day then don't put it all on your todo list, it will only make you more stressed in the long run.
  3. Use proper time management, don't spend hours doing nothing when you have things to get down, finish your tasks and once you finish your tasks then you can enjoy yourself without feeling guilty.

Sorry for the short post!

Stay Beautiful, Stay You
Claire Meagher

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